CBD is more than a trend, CBD is here to stay, but what it’s and how does work?


Let’s reduce complexity and start with the basics

Cannabidiol, a.k.a. “CBD” is a type of phytocannabinoid that can be found in cannabis plants (hemp and marijuana).

When you introduce CBD into your body, this compound interacts with your endocannabinoid system through our CB1 and CB2 receptors, protecting your physiologic systems and naturally restoring health and healing in your body.

The endocannabinoid system (ECS), is the neurotransmitter system that anyone taught us in school. It controls, modulates, and keeps in the balance every other physiologic system in your body.

 In other words, CBD is a natural healing alternative to help us to tone our ECS and to avoid any dysfunction on it and may ease anxiety, inflammation, pain, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), PTSD, some menopause symptoms, insomnia, and lack of libido. CBD is also known as a potent antioxidant that has powerful anti-inflammatory effects.


What are the different forms and functions of CBD?

CBD has different types of forms of uses from edibles to topicals. You can choose from its wide presentation forms: Oral (pills, soft gels, gummies, drinks, etc),  inhalation (vapes, smokable flowers), topical (body lotions, salves, serums, patches) and sublingual (tinctures, drops, lozenges, sprays).


But, which one is the best?

It all depends on the health benefits you are looking for and your preferred way to use supplements.

The benefit of using the oral route is that is easy to use and the dosage is easy to control. But the oral administration has a low bioavailability compared with the other routes of forms because its absorption is through the digestive system.

Some studies showed that inhalation has a higher level of bioavailability compared with the oral, sublingual, and topical administration, but its absorption is through the lungs.

The sublingual form is ranked with a 3 on a scale of 5 in terms of bioavailability levels, but have lasting effects and is more potent.  

If you are just looking for targeted relief, then the topicals are your best option for you because is absorbed through the skin. If you want lasting effects then locally apply your favorite CBD balm or massage oils and complement it with your favorite tincture.


What are the different spectrums of cannabinoids?

"Full-spectrum," which has all the cannabinoids present including a small amount of THC (less than 0.3% if derived from hemp)

"CBD broad-spectrum," which has all the cannabinoids of the plant with the exception of THC

"Isolate," where all the other types of compounds or cannabinoids are pulled out, leaving exclusively CBD in its pure form, (more than 99,9% of just CBD).


What should customers be on the lookout for when purchasing CBD

Choose products with full disclosure of the ingredients that also offer a Certificate of Analysis of Potency and Safety made by a third-party lab where you can determine whether or not the CBD product is safe and have the concentration that the label claims. 

Although a recent review from the World Health Organization (WHO) affirmed that there is no evidence of any public health-related problems associated with the use of pure Cannabinoid compound, the risk of the use is related more with the type of composition or process used in the growing, extraction, and manufacturing of CBD products. Hemp plants can absorb all contaminants that might get in their way during growth, which means that if in the growing process the plant is exposed to pesticides, herbicides, or heavy metals, you are most likely to absorbs all these toxins into your body.

To avoid secondary effects of CBD, always consult your physician before taking the product if you are using any prescription medications or have a serious medical condition. The FDA recommends avoiding the use of Cannabidiol when pregnant or breastfeeding.

Photographer: @bereniceinova_

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